Dungeon Radio Hour
A high fantasy, improv-comedy show where everything's made up and the hit points don't matter! 🔥🐉
DUNGEON RADIO HOUR is the funniest actual-play D&D podcast you've ever heard! Enjoy the outrageous, side-splitting insanity of four lifelong friends, actors, and comedians as they search this mystical new world for a way back home. NEW ADVENTURES EVERY OTHER TUESDAY!➕ Look out for bonus episodes of DUNGEON RADIO AFTER HOURS, our non-RPG spin-off show!
85 episodes
Chapter 20: Slick Moves
Slugblina sounded kinda hot, right? Should Mike go for it? They're both blobby so they have a lot in common! This episode we see more stabs, more betrayals, more alliances, and more desparation to not be in last place. This team knows what's up...
Season 2
Episode 20

Chapter 19: Backstabbers
Wait, so now the games are social?? Have they met this group? They'll talk your ear off and never get anything done! We definitely shouldn't give them the space to talk! Or maybe that's how they'll get rid of the competition?? Guess we'll have ...
Season 2
Episode 19

Chapter 18: Game Changer
WELCOME BACK TO SPACE HOUSE!! Hope you've got your oxygen mask screwed on tight, because our would-be/definitely-not Heroes have found themselves in deepspace doo-doo! They've arrived back to their room to find *audible gasp* THE TRIBUNAL waiti...
Season 2
Episode 18

Chapter 17: OK Corralled
Ewwww gross, this mysterious hand just popped out of nowhere? Does it have anything to do with Andrew being forced into a closet?? Will this creature have answers the gang so desparately needs? The only way to find out is by tuning in to this l...
Season 2
Episode 17

Chapter 16: Boom Goes the Asteroid
WHEW! who knew that Tic-Tac-Toe could be made deadly! Were the rules created by the same people as Squid games? Must media steal all of our nostalgia and turn it into a horror-filled event? Are we some sort of masochist begging for more? I don'...
Season 2
Episode 16

Chapter 15: Tic-Tac-Uh Oh
Yikers! The gang has a new game to play in Space House and as usual, their lives on the line! When will they catch a break, ya know? Get to drink some chamomile tea, read a good book, talk about their hopes and dreams? Well it definitely won't ...
Season 2
Episode 15

Chapter 14: Willies be D**ned
They found it! They somehow finally found it! Our gang found the secret tunnel (insert an Avatar the Last Airbender reference here) and now just have to find what exactly is down there. Which is probably dark, scary, or smelly even. I sure woul...
Season 2
Episode 14

Chapter 13: Tunnel Vision
Wait, what was that? Dalton knew this whole time of something mysterious and secret? Of course he did. He never shares secrets or affection in any way. We're used to it. But really, this is exciting! A whole new place to explore! Maybe they can...
Season 2
Episode 13

Chapter 12: Schwarma Karma
Hey, just checking in. How's it going? Did you eat too much food over the holidays? Still have your decorations up? That's ok, us too. I feel like you deserve to enjoy your decorations for a good few weeks after and that's the rule. The Crucibl...
Season 2
Episode 12

Holiday Special: Have Yourself a Merry Little Alissmas! Feat. Laura Liefer & Cody Rusher-Riddle
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, the whole shebang! We're going to be taking a short break to celebrate the holidays with our families so what better send off than to do an episode with our families?? We've got everyone's spouse...
Season 2
Episode 11

Chapter 11: Torrents of Turrets
We're here! The final challenge for the Crucible! One more test and they can finally go home. *listens in earpiece* what was that? They....just get to go back to the OTHER death-filled challenge game? Well that feels unfair. But we don't make t...
Season 2
Episode 11

Chapter 10: In Jeopardy
It's Crucible part 2 babyyyyy! The gang proved themselves in the first challenge and now it's time for round two! And now they've been locked into their own chambers with weird buttons to press? What sort of challenge is this?? Only one way to ...
Season 2
Episode 10

Chapter 9: For Whom the Bridge Tolls
OooOoooOoooohhhh!!! A spooky threat of a crucible! You can't scare me. I read that back in 10th grade! That's the one where they had to have a red "A" on their chest, right? Cause that's definitely the grade I got in Advanced Lit; an A. (don't ...
Season 2
Episode 9

Chapter 8: The Weakest Links
Heeeyyyyy there adventurers! You ready for another adventure? In space??? Last we left our heroes, they had met some very rude people at the "meet and greet" and decided to head back to their living quarters. But! Another mystery is awaiting th...
Season 2
Episode 8

Chapter 7: Dinosaurs are A**holes
It's time for a ball! That's right, the gang gets to go meet all the other players, maybe get a good gauge of the competition. Perhaps they'll form some alliances or sneak around to solve some of the ongoing questions they have about Space Hous...
Season 2
Episode 7

Chapter 6: Denial is a Robot in Space House
We back! The last episode ended with the sounds of a chicken, which means they're meeting their fellow players! Now why they would be paired with a chicken will only make sense after you listen. No spoilies here! Who will these other players be...
Season 2
Episode 6

Chapter 5: The Tribunal
Uh Oh. The gang may have made it away from the lasers and fire wall, but that doesn't mean the heat is off them just yet. The gang has to meet with the Tribunal. About what? Who knows. Favorite Candy? They have a LOT of feelings about that. May...
Season 2
Episode 5

Chapter 4: Gooey but Good ft. Matt Curtin
Hellooooooo Adventurers! Guess what? We made a friend! And no, our moms didn't set it up. We found an adult friend all on our own: by playing a make-believe game and asking him to join us. Why, how do you make friends? You know what? Don't answ...
Season 2
Episode 4

Chapter 3: Clean Slate
Boy Howdy, the gang is sure in a pickle this episode! That's how cool people talk, right? Howdy? Anyway, the gang found each other (yay!) but don't know how they got here (boo), don't know where Jeff is (bigger boo), or how to get back home (bi...
Season 2
Episode 3

Chapter 2: Scanning for Humor
Soooooo the gang is basically being forced into this competition, against their will. Really uncool. And like budding teenagers, they're still trying to understand their new bodies. New bodies, new creatures, new world. Are they going to even g...
Season 2
Episode 3

Chapter 1: Space House
It's Space House tiiiimmeee! The entire gang is finally together, but what have they gotten themselves into? It's the true start of this season and we cannot wait to see what plays out. I mean, we know, but YOU don't know....you know? Anyway, w...
Season 2
Episode 2

Season 2 Prologue - Andrew: Where Am I?
Wow, so Mike and Alissa have been having to create new lives in this spacey world. But what of Andrew? How did he fare after falling through the portal? Let's find out.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Season 2
Episode 3

Season 2 Prologue - Alissa: The Other Side
Now that we've seen how Michael has been faring ever since exiting the portal and finding his place in this new world, I bet you're wondering how Alissa is doing? No? Oh well, we're going to tell you anyway! ::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Season 2
Episode 2

Season 2 Prologue - Michael: Through the Portal
Space? A new season? So many new things! Last we left our players they had gone through yet ANOTHER portal and where they landed, no one knows! Well, I mean, you know. After this episode that is! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Season 2
Episode 1

Season 2: Space House - Session 0
We're back babyyyyy! We're back and we're in space! Crazy, right? Well, in this session you get to hear us build our characters and expain what will be different and what this world will look like. What happened after Season 1? Will the charact...
Season 2
Episode 1